Family Hike

I crashed the bike riding down the Goat Track from Mt Nebo this week. I got some pretty bad scratches, and suffered a painful shoulder injury which will need a week or two to recover.

Rather than mope around the house, Liz and the kids agreed to come for a hike through one of my favourite mountain biking places. We drove up to Mt Tibrogargan and hiked 8.8km around the Trachyte Circuit in the Glasshouse Moiuntains.

Our Team
Liz and the kids walk along one of the many trails with Mount Tibrogargan hunched over pensively in the background.

Enjoying the Walk
We wound our way up towards the Jack Ferris Lookout which has some great views of the valley.

Two Mothers
Liz and Beerwah – two legendary mothers.

Harrison enjoys the view of Tibrogargan from the lookout.

Lilly checks out Mount Tiberoowuccum from the lookout.

Walking the Dog
This blue healer cattle dog was sitting eagerly on the back of a ute driving past us. Suddenly the driver stopped, turned around, let the dog off, and started driving again.

The blue healer happily ran along in front of the car – rejoicing in his dogginess.

And the driver seemed pretty happy that he didn’t have to walk while his dog got some exercise.

We Did It!
Harrison and Lilly celebrate finishing our walk.

Well done team. 8.8km, 548m ascent, just over 2 hours. Thanks so much for a great time.

Total distance: 9.73 km
Total climbing: 673 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 02:48:15
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4 Replies to “Family Hike”

  1. I can’t believe I have just found your blog Neil, great simple stories with some photos to match.

    I love the Glass House Mountains, what a perfect spot for bush walking and mountain biking.

    I have just started exploring the Dularcha National Park and Ewen Maddock Dam areas on foot and bike.

    1. Phil

      I love the Glasshouse Mountains too – you can ride a bike in there for days on end and not get bored. And the trails are varied too – there are plenty there for beginners, and quite a few challenging tracks as well.

      Dullarcha is a great spot as well. If you check out the track log on our Mount Mellum ride you’ll see we rode some of the more hilly parts to the west. If you like a good hill climb, it might be worth a look 🙂


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