On the beach

What an amazing world this is! By a twist of wonderful luck, I have been able to ride my mountain bike to some beautiful places, photograph them, and share them with you.I’m a cross-country mountain biker from South-East Queensland, in Australia. Last year I logged about 9,250km on the bike, exploring as many unusual places around my home as I was able. I usually ride about 4 or 5 times per week.

Quarry Lake - Daisy Hill

I’ve been on this planet since 1962, but I’ve only been riding since 2009.

What surprises me is that although I’ve lived here for most of my life, many of the places I’ve visited on my bike I’ve never seen before.  This is all the proof I need that you can be an explorer and tourist in your own back yard.  Any place in the world can be exciting – all you have to do is take the time to explore it.

Dianas Bath

My “weapon of choice” is a Giant Anthem 29-0. The big wheels are perfect for my long days in the saddle, and the dual-suspension is forgiving to my bones on some of the more jarring down-hill sections.

Liz and Neil

I love organizing rides with friends.  Often there will just be 3 or 4 of us, but sometimes we arrange huge epics with 30 or 40 riders of all different skills, fitness levels and ages.  Watching several dozen mountain bikers snake along a narrow forest trail is a wonderful sight.

I’m very happily married to Liz.  Between us we have ten kids and three four five six seven grand-children.  It’s because of Liz that I’m able to get out on my bike so often.  She’s understanding and patient with this MTB-obsessed man.

Rocky Outcrops - Maidenwell

Professionally, I’m a software developer.  I work with a great bunch of people at Expert 1 who agree that our business should support our lifestyle, and not the other way around.  I suppose that means we might not ever be opulently rich, but we’ll almost certainly be happy.

P.S. I have other blogs too (see the links along the top). I keep my technical and political blogs separate as I know a lot of people who read this blog probably don’t want to be bogged down with politics or technobabble. I also have a blog for my ShipWatcher site, and I decided to keep that separate for the same reason – no use trying to cram too many things in here.

7 Replies to “About”

  1. Thanks Neil. I’ve just moved to Brisbane and you’re blog has been an absolute godsend. Having no clue about any trains or back country roads this blog has been a great resource and motivator to get out there.

    1. Hi Deiter
      Thanks for the kind words.
      If you’d like to join us some time, please let me know and I’ll let you know about upcoming rides.
      We go somewhere most Saturdays.

  2. Neil
    What an awesome blog. I have been riding since my teens and just recently fallen in love with “gravel riding”. I intend to follow your adventures with the hope I will be able to replicate some of them with my husband. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing these rides. Kris

    1. Thanks Kris.
      If you’ve got a GPS, most of my posts have a link to download the GPX file. That might come in handy for some of the more remote routes.
      Have fun!

  3. Hi Neil,
    I’ve just discovered your blog while searching for an off road route from Gympie to the Kilkivan Rail Trail. I’m really enjoying it.

    In large part it’s because you’re writing (and writing well) about my part of the world from the saddle of a MTB, and I’m just in the process of transitioning from being a road bike rider to a cross country MTB rider. However I was also delighted to read your thanks to Gough Whitlam and your commentary about why you’re a greens voter. I couldn’t agree more with your statement

    “I love where I live. I don’t want to see it destroyed in the name of profit.
    The “conservative” me from a few decades ago would probably quip – “But what about the cost? Don’t you want lower taxes and less government intervention?”.
    In short, the answer is “No”. I think from a tax perspective, we get an absolute bargain for the life we live. We have awesome hospitals, great public schools, and a great way of life. I’d be willing support higher taxes if that mean protecting this way of life. And to ask for “less government intervention” is naive. One of the responsibilities of government should be to protect what we have. Reducing the influence of government on corporations makes it easier for those corporations to gobble up our environmental heritage and convert it into profits.
    So the bottom line for me: I love this place, and I want to protect it.”

    Though my historical political leanings are a bit more “left” than yours were, I absolutely share your sentiments.

    Looking forward to reading about more of your rides


    1. G’day Tim
      Thanks for your kind words. It’s always good to meet a fellow traveler.
      You live in an amazing part of the world – there’s some beautiful country west of Gympie.
      Best of luck with your new MTB adventures.
      I haven’t done a blog post in a while, so your comments have prodded me to write more.
      Happy exploring!

  4. Hi Neil,

    Thanks for the write up on your 2 wheeled adventures up Duck Creek Road.
    Myself and a posse of mates are going to give it a crack this weekend!
    Here’s hoping that the muffins are up to scratch at O’Reilly’s as I’ll be in need of some serious refueling.
    Cheers and thanks for the inspiration.
    Chris (Go the Greens!)

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