Fun at Southbank Parklands

We had a wonderful day at Southbank Parklands yesterday.

After checking out the “Machines of Da Vinci” exhibition, we headed down to Chez Laila to enjoy some fantastic Lebanese food, and thick, muddy Lebanese coffee. I thought I might have seen a young Ozzy Osborne there.

Then we hopped on the huge Ferris Wheel, the “Wheel of Brisbane” as the sun was going down. The view was spectacular, and we all agreed that Brissie is a much prettier city than we give her credit for.

Afterwards we went to the free comedy concert at the Piazza and watched The Kransky Sisters, Tripod plus a host of other comedians debating whether or not Queenslanders have more cause than other Australians to be happy. (Of course we do!)

Incidentally, the Kranskys are hilarious. Check out their website if you haven’t heard of them. Tripod are so funny you forget how talented they are as musicians.

All in all, a fantastic day! I hope we have many more days like this.

Liz loves Ferris Wheels Brisbane River & Ferry The Wheel of Brisbane Brisbane River Brisbane River & Ready to go
Getting Ready for the Ferris Wheel Lebanese Coffee Ozzy Osborne as a 6 year old girl Mona Lizzie Da Vinci's Parachute

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