S.S. "TinnyTanic"

Our trip from Port Vila to Brisbane took two and a half days by sea.

One of the many fun activities we had during the long leisurely sea days was a “Scrap Heap Challenge”. Basically the idea was to build a boat out of rubbish found on board the ship, float it across the pool, and have it carry a carton of beer without sinking.

As you can see from the photos below, some of the entries were pretty good. I wonder where they got (or bought) all that junk from!

Our entry was the “S.S. TinnyTanic”. (Below) She looked more like a handbag that a ship, but I can guarantee she was made 100% out of junk.

And you can see from the picture below, she made it safely across the pool, with beer on board, and didn’t sink!

Hey – how did this picture get in here? I wonder how many tinnies this boat can carry?
Actually, it’s the “Pacific Sun”, sister ship to “Pacific Star”, which passed as we headed back to Brisbane.

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