Lightning in the gum trees

Lightning in the gum treesLightning in the gum trees
Lightning in the gum treesLightning in the gum treesLightning in the gum trees

We were lucky enough to have another electrical storm over Lawnton this evening.

Actually, even though our place is hidden among all the gum trees, I was still able to steal a few shots.

Harrison and I sat out on the deck calling god names to see if it would make better lightning.

Harrison was quite sagacious for a nine year old when he said that he didn’t think it made any difference.

I think my attitude would be different, however, if I was in a small ship in an electrical storm at sea!

Regardless – it’s beautiful to watch, and elusive to catch. And like most awesome things, the image never does the real thing justice.

So much to see. So little time….