Living the Dream – Tropical Trick Shots

In 1999 Liam Connor made a major decision to quit his Environmental Science degree, and study something he was passionate about – Film Making.

Since then he has shot a number of overseas films, and was a recent finalist in the prestigious Tropfest 2013 Film Festival with his short film “Time” – shot in and around the Gold Coast Hinterland.

His latest work, filmed in tropical North Queensland, is a fun two minute video of people performing amazing trick shots with footballs.

Liam and his film maker friends, Lucas Thyer and Brad Francis, got together a bunch of excited backpackers who were staying in Cairns at the time, as well as a dance crew that Lucas knew.

They used an array of GoPro Hero3 cameras, including a semi-submerged vertical array to get some spectacular footage – the result is stunning.

Liam tells me while some of the shots worked on the first go, many of them took hours.

You might look at what this son of a humble avocado farmer from the Tweed Valley is doing and think “What a lucky bloke – he’s living the dream”, but I don’t think it has anything to do with luck.

I think it comes down to Passion, Persistence and Perfection – the magic ingredients for any successful venture.

How can you create anything worthwhile unless you’re passionate about what you’re doing?

But passion isn’t enough. It takes ages to get some things just right – which requires persistence. And you’re not going to persist unless you really want excellence.

Good on you, Liam, for having the guts to decide to follow your passion – and for sticking with it. And best wishes to you, Brad and Lucas with this entry in the “1 day in Paradise” competition 🙂

Walking for Parkinson’s

We have family and friends who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease, so Liz had a great idea and suggested our family take part in the “Parkinson’s Qld Unity Walk” to raise money for research into the disease. This involved seeking sponsorship from kind hearted donors, and walking 4km along the foreshore at Wynnum on a glorious Sunday morning.

Of course, since yours truly sometimes (often?) marches to the beat of a different drummer, I thought I’d make it a bit more interesting by first riding from Lawnton to Wynnum, then doing the walk, then riding home, which added another 97km to the journey but made it a bit more of a challenge. So Liz kindly agreed to drive the kids to Wynnum and meet me there.

Parkinson's Qld Unity Walk
Parkinson's Qld Unity Walk
Parkinson's Qld Unity Walk

So we set off together along the waterfront with several hundred other like minded people, including a few walkers who were suffering from Parkinson’s disease themselves. On the way, we passed a fascinating line-up of colorful Volkswagen Beetles by the side of the road. All of them were immaculate with perfect paint jobs, sparkling chrome and proud owners not far away.

And it seemed obvious to me – if you want to have fun, spend your time with passionate people.

Whether they’re passionate about cars, or finding a cure for a disease, or just crazy / passionate about riding a bike somewhere, if you spend your time with people who have a flame burning in their heart for something, you can’t go wrong, and life is much more worthwhile.

Beetle Rainbow

All up, I did about 103km for the day. It should have been a little less, but I got lost (twice) trying to find bicycle tracks between Eagle Farm and Clayfield – as you can see from the map….

Leaflet | Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Maps © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox
Total distance: 97.26 km
Total climbing: 692 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 09:43:55
Download file: activity_48601787.gpx
More data

The Secret Pony

Lilly came to me today and read me her partially completed story.

“What else should I write, Daddy?” she asked.

And I replied, “Kids understand magic when they’re your age, but as they grow up most adults forget about it. So I’m not the best person to ask about what to write. You know much more about magic than what I do”.

“But what about Doctor Seuss and Mem Fox”, Lilly retorted. (She’s very astute for her age).

“Ahhh. Doctor Seuss and Mem Fox never forgot what it was like to be a kid”, I answered. “That’s why they’re both so good at what they do”.

Seems like I’ve got a lot of “remembering” to do. Adults are so boring, and such a large part of our lifespan is devoted to being “grown up”. Childhood is so brief….

So brief it makes me want to cry at the tragedy of it all.

“The Secret Pony by Lilly Ennis

Onec upon a time there lived a butyful
girl named cloe. One day when cloe was in the
garden picing strorbries she
found a secret passag throe the garden. it was so butyful. So she wen throe it.
When she got to the end of the secret passag sge sore a pony. It was so butyful.
It had long heir and sparkerling blue eyes. The pony gace her lots of spechal
yummy treats. They played together to but the most imporint thing is that there
friends. The End.”

Don’t forget how to be a kid, Lilly. Once you forget, it’s a long time being a grown-up.

How to Outrun an Antelope

The bushman hunters of the Kalahari Desert hunt the Kudu antelope by pursuing it through the heat of the day until it collapses from exhaustion.

The Kudu is faster than the bushman hunter, but the hunter is relentless. He perseveres, and in the end, the antelope is no match for the bushman.

This might seem extreme. In the 21st century it seems unheard of that a person can outrun an antelope. But a human running on two legs over long distances is more efficient than an animal running on four. In addition to this, humans perspire all over their body, which is a more effective way of reducing body temperature, especially in the midday heat. Having two hands free means the hunter can carry water to replace the perspiration.

Humans are the only primates that hunt in this way. “Persistence hunting” was part of humanity’s evolution. So it’s really part of our age-old genetic make up. The average person on the street might not look capable of outrunning an antelope over five hours in 40 degree heat, but that’s how we caught our food before we invented bows and arrows.

Persistence is in our genes. It’s our heritage. We can persevere because we’ve done it before. Imagine what we can achieve if we don’t give up.

As the Roman poet Persius said: “He conquers who endures”.

Don’t give up!

The Most Important Questions.

Himalayan Moonrise By Swamysk

If you’re really interested in the answer, read on! To those people who I get annoyed at when you interrupt my train of thought (you know who you are) please forgive me. I want to be a better person.

Three Questions – by Leo Tolstoy

One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answers to three questions, he would never stray in any matter.

What is the best time to do each thing? Who are the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at all times?

The emperor issued a decree throughout his kingdom announcing that whoever could answer the questions would receive a great reward. Many who read the decree made their way to the palace at once, each person with a different answer.

In reply to the first question, one person advised that the emperor make up a thorough time schedule, consecrating every hour, day, month, and year for certain tasks and then follow the schedule to the letter. Only then could he hope to do every task at the right time.

Another person replied that it was impossible to plan in advance and that the emperor should put all vain amusements aside and remain attentive to everything in order to know what to do at what time.

Someone else insisted that, by himself, the emperor could never hope to have all the foresight and competence necessary to decide when to do each and every task and what he really needed was to set up a Council of the Wise and then to act according to their advice.

Someone else said that certain matters required immediate decision and could not wait for consultation, but if he wanted to know in advance what was going to happen he should consult magicians and soothsayers.

The responses to the second question also lacked accord.

One person said that the emperor needed to place all his trust in administrators, another urged reliance on priests and monks, while others recommended physicians. Still others put their faith in warriors.

The third question drew a similar variety of answers. Some said science was the most important pursuit. Others insisted on religion. Yet others claimed the most important thing was military skill.

The emperor was not pleased with any of the answers, and no reward was given.

After several nights of reflection, the emperor resolved to visit a hermit who lived up on the mountain and was said to be an enlightened man. The emperor wished to find the hermit to ask him the three questions, though he knew the hermit never left the mountains and was known to receive only the poor, refusing to have anything to do with persons of wealth or power. So the emperor disguised himself as a simple peasant and ordered his attendants to wait for him at the foot of the mountain while he climbed the slope alone to seek the hermit.

Reaching the holy man’s dwelling place, the emperor found the hermit digging a garden in front of his hut. When the hermit saw the stranger, he nodded his head in greeting and continued to dig. The labor was obviously hard on him. He was an old man, and each time he thrust his spade into the ground to turn the earth, he heaved heavily.

The emperor approached him and said, “I have come here to ask your help with three questions: When is the best time to do each thing? Who are the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at all times?”

The hermit listened attentively but only patted the emperor on the shoulder and continued digging. The emperor said, “You must be tired. Here, let me give you a hand with that.” The hermit thanked him, handed the emperor the spade, and then sat down on the ground to rest.

After he had dug two rows, the emperor stopped and turned to the hermit and repeated his three questions. The hermit still did not answer, but instead stood up and pointed to the spade and said, “Why don’t you rest now? I can take over again.” But the emperor continued to dig. One hour passed, then two. Finally the sun began to set behind the mountain. The emperor put down the spade and said to the hermit, “I came here to ask if you could answer my three questions. But if you can’t give me any answer, please let me know so that I can get on may way home.”

The hermit lifted his head and asked the emperor, “Do you hear someone running over there?” The emperor turned his head. They both saw a man with a long white beard emerge from the woods. He ran wildly, pressing his hands against a bloody wound in his stomach. The man ran toward the emperor before falling unconscious to the ground, where he lay groaning. Opening the man’s clothing, the emperor and hermit saw that the man had received a deep gash. The emperor cleaned the wound thoroughly and then used his own shirt to bandage it, but the blood completely soaked it within minutes. He rinsed the shirt out and bandaged the wound a second time and continued to do so until the flow of blood had stopped.

At last the wounded man regained consciousness and asked for a drink of water. The emperor ran down to the stream and brought back a jug of fresh water. Meanwhile, the sun had disappeared and the night air had begun to turn cold. The hermit gave the emperor a hand in carrying the man into the hut where they laid him down on the hermit’s bed. The man closed his eyes and lay quietly. The emperor was worn out from the long day of climbing the mountain and digging the garden. Leaning against the doorway, he fell asleep. When he rose, the sun had already risen over the mountain. For a moment he forgot where he was and what he had come here for. He looked over to the bed and saw the wounded man also looking around him in confusion. When he saw the emperor, he stared at him intently and then said in a faint whisper, “Please forgive me.”

“But what have you done that I should forgive you?” the emperor asked.

“You do not know me, your majesty, but I know you. I was your sworn enemy, and I had vowed to take vengeance on you, for during the last war you killed my brother and seized my property. When I learned that you were coming alone to the mountain to meet the hermit, I resolved to surprise you on your way back to kill you. But after waiting a long time there was still no sign of you, and so I left my ambush in order to seek you out. But instead of finding you, I came across your attendants, who recognized me, giving me this wound. Luckily, I escaped and ran here. If I hadn’t met you I would surely be dead by now. I had intended to kill you, but instead you saved my life! I am ashamed and grateful beyond words. If I live, I vow to be your servant for the rest of my life, and I will bid my children and grandchildren to do the same. Please grant me your forgiveness.”

The emperor was overjoyed to see that he was so easily reconciled with a former enemy. He not only forgave the man but promised to return all the man’s property and to send his own physician and servants to wait on the man until he was completely healed. After ordering his attendants to take the man home, the emperor returned to see the hermit. Before returning to the palace the emperor wanted to repeat his three questions one last time. He found the hermit sowing seeds in the earth they had dug the day before.

The hermit stood up and looked at the emperor. “But your questions have already been answered.”

“How’s that?” the emperor asked, puzzled.

“Yesterday, if you had not taken pity on my age and given me a hand with digging these beds, you would have been attacked by that man on your way home. Then you would have deeply regretted not staying with me. Therefore the most important time was the time you were digging in the beds, the most important person was myself, and the most important pursuit was to help me. Later, when the wounded man ran up here, the most important time was the time you spent dressing his wound, for if you had not cared for him he would have died and you would have lost the chance to be reconciled with him. Likewise, he was the most important person, and the most important pursuit was taking care of his wound. Remember that there is only one important time and is Now. The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion. The most important person is always the person with whom you are, who is right before you, for who knows if you will have dealings with any other person in the future. The most important pursuit is making that person, the one standing at you side, happy, for that alone is the pursuit of life.”

Leo Tolstoy

What are you passionate about?

Life is short.

We’re often told by self-improvement gurus to pursue the things we’re passionate about – and spend our life doing the things that count, rather than things that don’t matter.

But to do this, we need to think about what makes us excited, what arouses our passions, what’s really important to us.

So I’m doing a simple experiment. I’m asking the world “What are you passionte about”? I think considering what excites other people is a good way to get you thinking about the things that are important to ourselves.

So please tell me.

If you’re too embarrassed to post a reply publicly, just send me an anonymous message.

I’ll publish the best answers here.