Christmas Carols, Sydney Style

I was waiting for a flight at Sydney Airport this morning when a spotted a Turkey and a Christmas pudding playing Christmas Carols.

Well, to be more accurate, a couple of musicians dressed up as Christmas Dinner.

They were fantastic, and I managed to capture them quickly on my mobile phone so you could enjoy them too.

Sorry about all my laughing in the background. These guys had me in stitches and it took all my effort to hold the camera relatively still. The Turkey has excellent sax style, and that Pud makes a great clown.

If anyone knows who they really are, please let me know and I’ll give them the credit they deserve.

Update 26 December 2007. These guys are from Wacky Entertainment ( The Turkey’s name is Tom Bastian, and the Pudding’s name is Adam Arnold. They’ve got some great footage on their website if you want to see more. How good would it be to get these guys at your office Xmas party?

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