Mount Pleasant

I’m still healing from a crash last week, so I have decided to avoid riding on rough trails or single tracks at the moment to let my shoulder heal.

Today I rode to Mount Pleasant in the hills behind Dayboro. This rural area is nestled in a valley created by the North Pine River between Mount Mee and Mount Byron.
North Pine River, Mount Pleasant
What I enjoyed most was having a few hours on the bike on quiet rural roads to daydream and get in “The Zone” while covering a reasonable distance (80km). The hills were mostly gentle, although I managed to ascend a total of 1,048m during the ride.
Bunya Pines, Mount Pleasant
Andrew Petrie reported a stand of Bunya Pines in this area when he visited it in the 1830’s. I’ve got some ideas about where that stand might have been. As you ride along the road, there are some quite mature specimens poking out from behind the hills about 300 metres from the road. These two Bunyas are quite young – perhaps 60 to 70 years old.

Some time in the next year I hope to come back here again and ride through the rainforest up to Toogoolawah in the Brisbane Valley. But the management roads in the rainforest are closed at the moment due to damage from a lot of the heavy rain we’ve had lately.

I’m happy to wait 🙂

Total distance: 80.65 km
Total climbing: 1131 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 04:53:22
Download file: activity_72490402.gpx
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2 Replies to “Mount Pleasant”

    1. I’ve never had any problems with wild animals. I’ve been chased by a couple of dogs once (escaped from their owners house), but thankfully the bike was faster than the dogs 🙂

      I saw a few dead snakes on the road, which was pretty sad – they’re beautiful if you keep your distance from them. Last week while Liz and I were out walking she almost stepped on a brown snake.

      I see lots of Kangaroos while I’m riding off-road – but they’re pretty timid.

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