Putting the “Mountain” in the Bike

Emu Mountain
Emu Mountain is a great little national park just north of Coolum where we spent the weekend. It has some interesting walking tracks which we’ve done with the kids before, but this time I felt like exploring it on my bike.

I didn’t intend to ride up it, but when I saw the gnarly tracks heading up the hill, I couldn’t resist.
Emu Mountain Summit
The cllimb wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be, and (as always) the view was fantastic. This view is looking south back down to Coolum where we were staying.

Emu Mountain Summit
As you can see, a lot of the land in the area is forest – right by the sea, and quite unspoilt.

Stumers Creek
Eventually I rolled back down the gnarly hills and stopped briefly on the beach at Stumers Creek.

A beautiful finish to a wonderful weekend!

Total distance: 16.22 km
Total climbing: 157 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 01:26:00
Download file: activity_88632073.gpx
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2 Replies to “Putting the “Mountain” in the Bike”

  1. As you might expect I’m proud to say – I’ve been up there and around the tracks. On foot at least.

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