Noosa National Park

The weather forecast said “Rain” but we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day to explore the Noosa Headland. I can’t believe how lucky we are to have this beautiful national park just over an hours drive from our front door.

Walking on WaterFraser IslandSurfers
We walked clockwise around the headland starting at Laguna Bay – a popular spot for surfers and sunbathers.
Happy Hikers
The track winds around the cliff-tops with some spectacular views through the rainforest trees down to some rocky secluded beaches.
Alexandra Bay
Eventually we reached Alexandra Bay. Hidden away on southern side of the headland it feels a million miles away from the cares and worries of the city

Alexandra BayAlexandra BayAlexandra Bay
The walking track follows the beach for a couple of kilometres before heading back into the forest.

Tree HuggerTree Hugger Liz
Tree Hugger HarrisonTree Hugger Lilly
I suppose you could call us a family of tree-huggers 🙂

Hoop Pine
Eventually the track passes through some denser forest with these wonderful Hoop Pines – native to South East Queensland.
Hoop Pine
All up about 9km, with 400m of vertical ascent. A beautiful easy walk. We’d definitely do it again!

Total distance: 9.46 km
Total climbing: 454 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 02:37:30
Download file: activity_88632087.gpx
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