Social Ride Invitation- The Steamers

The Steamers

You’re invited to join us for a challenging social ride to one of the most picturesque places in South East Queensland.

When:  Saturday 26 November 2016.  9am

Meeting Place:
Corner of Kurrajong St and Emu Vale Road, Tannymorel, south of the Cunningham Highway between Warwick, Maryvale and Killarney.
(2:15 drive from Brisbane)

Distance: Approx 55km with about 1,600 metres in climbing.
We should complete the ride by about 3pm


  • Spectacular views of Condamine Gorge, Hoffman Falls and The Steamers
  • A 20km climb up to one of the highest fire trails in Queensland over the top of Bald Mountain, about 1,200 metres above sea level.
  • Stunning views from the lookout on top of Bald Mountain
  • Walk to the top of Hoffman Falls which drops more than 100m.
  • Swimming spots on top of the Range and in Emu Creek.
  • A very steep downhill from Hoffmans Peak, which descends more than 600 metres in the space of 5km.
  • Portions of this ride are on private property and are not normally open to the public.  We have the permission of land owners to ride through.

Hoffman FallsCondamine GorgeThe Steamers

Gambubal RoadHoffmans Peak DescentGambubal Road

This ride is not for beginners. 
You need to be comfortable riding uphill for more than two hours.
You need to be comfortable with long fast descents.


  • East from Tannymorel to Mount Colliery
  • A long climb up the range via Gambubal Road
  • Continue climbing up to 1,100 metres with views down to Condamine Gorge to the right.
  • Short detour to Hoffmans Falls.
  • Ride through Gambubal State Forest, then up a rough track to Bald Mountain and Cons Plains.  This vantage point overlooks The Lincoln Track, Mount Superbus, the Emu Creek Valley and the Steamers.  It’s 1,197 metres above sea level.
  • Ride along the northern escarpment of the range with steep drop-offs to the right for almost 10km.
  • Options for a swim in a dam before the descent.
  • Descent via Hoffmans Peak to Emu Creek.
  • Options for a swim in a roadside billabong on Emu Creek Road.
  • Easy downhill back to Emu Vale.
  • 8km ride on paved road back to Tannymorel

I will publish the actual course and GPX file closer to the day.

Bike in good condition
Plenty of water and snacks – there are long portions with no drinkable water.
Tools / Repair kit
Rain jacket.  We will be riding at altitude, weather can be variable and cold if it rains.
Sense of humour.

Mountain Biking is a dangerous sport. You ride with us at your own risk.

We strongly suggest you join Mountain Biking Australia, which gives you personal accident and public liability insurance.
You can get a FREE trial 8-week membership here:

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