Clear Mountain

Here’s some photos from a recent ride I did with some friends from at Clear Mountain.

The tracks are not far from my place, so I get to ride them once or twice per week. But I enjoyed this ride even more than usual because I was able to share it with friends. I suppose when we share with others something that’s familiar to ourselves, we experience it for the first time again – which adds to the enjoyment.

We started the ride on a couple of sections of tight twisty single tracks, followed by some steep lung-busting ascents and descents, then a climb to the summit of Clear Mountain, and finally a fast snaking down-hill run to the bottom.

Everyone got back happy but exhausted.

Car ParkChilling Out
Let's go!
I think I can...
Downhill Fun
Brian does the drop
Don't just stand thereFollow me

I’d rate a big loop of the tracks at Clear Mountain as about 9.5 out of 10 on the tough-o-meter. You need medium to high fitness. If you’re going to try some of the steeper descents, drop-offs and downhills you’ll need at least medium technical ability or better. If you’re not confident with some of the more intimidating sections, there’s nothing wrong with playing it safe and walking those sections.

Total distance: 41.29 km
Total climbing: 757 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 04:12:44
Download file: activity_179599122.gpx
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