Links for Ten Pound Poms

There are many online resources that can help you find more info about your Ten Pound Pom history. If you have any, please let me know and I’ll add them to the list.

The National Archives of Australia has a comprehensive Record Search facility that lets you query details of anyone who arrived in Australia as a Ten Pound Pom. Retrieve info such as the name of the ship, the date of departure and arrival, other passengers on the ship. You can even order a digital copy of all documents related to your journey.

The ABC has published a DVD entitled “Ten Pound Poms” which “tells the story of nine Britons who took the gamble of migrating to Australia in the post war years”. by The National Library of Australia is a compilation of historical photos, maps, documents and works of art.

Picture Australia also lets you share your own photographic history of Australia via Flickr in these groups:
Picture Australia: People, places and events
Picture Australia: Ourtown
Re-Picture Australia

Members of the cruising community at discuss their Ten Pound Pom heritage.

Wolfram Dallwitz has collated some wonderful pictures of RHMS Ellinis. Ellinis was just one of many ships that brought migrants to Australia.

Migration Journeys by Sea
Fred Feddes writes about his migration experience and round the word journey by ship aboard RHMS Ellinis.
Maritime Historian Reuben Goossens has collated these stories at
Theo Kroon writes about his journey from Amsterdam to Wellington NZ in in 1956.
Tom Boelen writes about his journey by sea from The Hague to Brisbane Australia.
Harold Weis writes about a fire at sea aboard Skaubryn.
Harold Woering remembers his sea voyage from Rotterdam to New York in 1956.
Piet Mulder’s journey to Melbourne aboard Sitmar’s SS Fairsky.

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