Most weeks we drive two or three hours to find a place where we’d like to ride our bikes. Today we decided to stay close to home and enjoy some of the local highlights that we normally take for granted.
Instead of driving somewhere far away, we set off from my front door in search of some fun trails.
The weekly “Park run” had just started, so we tried to keep out of the way of happy joggers…
…and their dogs.
We followed the North Pine River for a while. When it met Sideling Creek we rode beside that, following it towards the dam wall at Lake Kurwongbah.
The dam is full. On our right the water lapped on the rock wall. On the left. the embankment dropped away sharply.

A few minutes later we arrived at Lake Samsonvale. It’s only a couple of kilometres from Lake Kurwongbah. We’re lucky to have so much water around here.
I gazed out towards the D’Aguilar Range on the western horizon and saw nothing but water, trees and hills. Could we really be that close to civilization?
Darb’s son Luke rode my fat bike.
He had never ridden a fatty before but handled it perfectly as we rolled on to the dirt tracks beside the lake shore.
We rode the bikes along some grassy trails towards one of my favourite spots…

“Does anyone want a swim?”
No one seemed interested.
We followed another grassy trail to another section of the lake.
Still no one wanted to swim.
Ah well.
Some of the tracks under the power lines are steep.
Luke beat us to the top – even though his bike was heaviest.
“He’s got your climbing legs,” I said to Darb.
“No. We’re just getting old,” he replied.
Speak for yourself Darb. Somewhere under my ageing exterior is an excitable twenty-something. I’m sure of it.
We followed another track down to another section of shore line.
Before the river was dammed, this used to be Adsetts Road. It ran all the way to Rush Creek near Dayboro.
Sometimes when the water levels are low, the old road rises from the water.
Not today.

I’m sure the Pelicans are grateful for all the extra water.
With our exploration of the Northern Shoreline over, we followed what remained of Adsetts Road back up the hill towards Petrie.
The eastern shoreline of Lake Samsonvale was more open and grassy.

We followed it around several small peninsulas.
It’s a popular spot for family fun and picnics.
We left the open grassy shore for more dirt tracks through the trees.
In some places the trail narrowed to a single track which snaked around tree stumps and over creek beds.
In other places, it broadened into a leafy avenue between grass trees.
The heat, hills and heavy bike started to slow Luke down.
For a first-timer he’d done well.
It was time to head back.
For a ride so close to home, this had been surprisingly challenging.
Total climbing: 855 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 04:38:27
More data
We rode about fifty kilometres in about four and a half hours.
During that time we climbed 735 metres in elevation and I burned 2,240 kcal.
Thanks Darb, Russel and Luke for a fun ride close to home.
Where to next????
Hmmm, this is the second of your “close to home” rides I’ve read (and enjoyed) Neil.
Interestingly I’ve realised that I used to live VERY close to you. I lived at 47 Akers Rd from 1996 until 2013, and this ride appears to leave your place and head up Akers Rd!
It’s a lot different there now, lots of subdivision has happened, but it was a fantastic place for our kids to grow up on enough land to have big trees, fire pits, vege gardens, chooks etc. We loved it and were sad to leave, though it led us up to the Sunshine Coast which is wonderful in a whole different way.
I’m really enjoying reading about your adventures!
Thanks for taking the time to share them