Coochin Creek

Pine Forest 1024
Coochin Creek has always been a forest. The plains that stretch eastwards from the Glasshouse Mountains to the Bribie Passage were once covered with vast tracts of She-Oaks, Paperbarks and Gum Trees. Today it’s still a forest, but most of the trees have been replaced with plantation pines.

We started todays ride at Beerburrum, but instead of heading up into the Glasshouse Mountains, we rode towards the flatter forests to the east.

Fire Trail

After about five minutes we left the paved road, and rolled down some bumpy fire roads between the pines.

Pine Plantation Forest

I love these forests. Amid endless rows of trees and long straight tracks, you could ride all day and still feel like you were in the same place. It’s the perfect spot for a low-stress hassle-free ride. My surgeon had told me to stick to flat smooth terrain till my shoulder fully healed. This was perfect.

Under the Freeway

The buzzing freeway broke the peace briefly as we passed under it to the other side.


The route on the GPS said to go straight ahead, but the tighter track to the side looked more interesting so we followed it instead.

Red Road Beerburrum

Pine Plantation Forest

We followed Red Road eastwards for a while before disappearing again into more pine forest.

Pine Plantation Forest

The dirt road cut a large arc through the forest, bringing us eventually to Wildhorse Mountain…

Wildhorse Mountain

It’s a short steep climb to the top, but the views are impressive. Becca is now seven months pregnant, and was still able to beat Russel and me to the top of the hill.


Wildhorse Mountain
(Photo: Russel Scholl)

Wildhorse Mountain is a great place to soak in the splendour of the Glasshouse Mountains.

Lunch break

By now it was mid-morning so we stopped for a light snack at a nearby cafe.

Pine Plantation Forest

Leaving the cafe, I was surprised how quickly we disappeared back into the forest. After following a track behind the service station for less than a minute we left the bustle behind and were back among the trees.


Grass tree flowersGrass tree flowers
Grass tree flowers

We stopped briefly to admire some Xanthorrhoea (Grass Tree) flowers which had sprouted between the pines.

The long thin stems were covered with small white flowers and a fine dew of nectar.

Jason (who I think would like to change jobs and open a plant nursery) suggested if we ran our fingers gently over the flowers we’d get a nice taste of the nectar.

I made sure I didn’t disturb the bees. One stem had both a native bee and a european bee working side by side to harvest the sweet crop.


Coochin Creek

Coochin Creek
(Photo: Russel Scholl)

Eventually we reached Coochin Creek.

“Coochin” means “Red Earth” in the Kabi Aboriginal language.

The creek was deep, wide and much healthier looking than we had expected. We all thought this would be a great spot to return for a swim.

Coochin CreekCar Wreck

We followed another track near the creek and found this abandoned car amidst a swarm of mosquitoes.

Coochin Creek

JasonCoochin Creek

This third spot by the creek was the most impressive.

There’s an abandoned town on the other side of the creek. A hundred years ago Campbellville boasted a population of about 100 people a sawmill and a school.

In the 1880’s James Campbell built a sawmill here. Loggers would fell wood in the Blackall Range up near Maleny, slide the logs down the mountain via slippery muddy chutes, then raft the logs down Mellum Creek to Campbells mill.

Ships would come upstream to the mill to collect the sawn timber and take it to Brisbane via the Bribie Passage and Deception Bay…

Coochin Creek

There’s no mill here any more – just lots of trees.

Macadamia Orchard

As we started our return westward journey past rows of Macadamia trees, the rain started falling gently.

Pine Plantation Forest

Back through more Pine plantations we headed to the small town of Glasshouse for lunch.


Good beer and a steak sandwich – that seems to be the staple fare for most of our rides these days.

Who needs anything else?


After a large lazy lunch we slowly rolled back along the bike path to our starting point at Beerburrum.

Total distance: 61.47 km
Total climbing: 783 m
Average temperature: 20.2
Total time: 06:26:50
Download file: activity_936142976.gpx
More data

All up we rode a leisurely 61km in about six and a half hours with 420 metres of vertical ascent. I burned about 2,500 kcal.

This is an easy flat ride. You could pretty much go all day and not feel like you were working hard.

It’s one of those low-impact rides that are good for the soul.

I’ll rate it 4.5 out of 10 on the tough-o-meter. Maybe add one extra point on a hot day.

Thanks Becca, Russel and Jason for a pleasant day out.

Melastoma affine

3 Replies to “Coochin Creek”

  1. Hi Neil,
    Just come across your blog regarding your Coochin Creel adventures.
    I’m doing some research into what was the township of Campbellville. I’m trying to find exactly where it was situated, it looks like you found the place. Would you have any co-ordinates where I can find the place you were at, maybe Google Earth..
    Did you come across a small cemetery on your trip? And how bad were the mozzies?
    Any help much appreciated, great photos by the way.

    1. Hi Geoff
      Campbell built the sawmill near the confluence of Mellum and Coochin Creeks. The town then grew around the mill. I suspect it would be close to where the current Coochin Creek Campground is today. There are some interesting looking excavations on the creek banks near here which might give clues. I suggest if you’re interested in doing some detective work, that would be the place to start. Please let me know how you go!

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