The Bat Cave

The Bat Cave

The Bat Cave
The Bat Cave
North of Samford, the railway line passes through Yugar. This is the only place on the line where a tunnel was necessary to pass under the roadway.

After the railway line was closed, this gully was used as a rubbish dump, but in 1983 the University of Queensland acquired the site to study the bats that now live in the tunnel.

Today my only other companion was a large hungry Brown Snake who was obviously looking for some bat-flavored fast food take-away!

Total distance: 78.19 km
Total climbing: 1340 m
Average temperature:
Total time: 05:38:40
Download file: activity_54798328.gpx
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8 Replies to “The Bat Cave”

  1. You can walk in there, it’s not recommended but you can. Not the most cleanest place. Mind you this was a good 5 years ago. We got most of the way through but got freaked out and decided to pussy out and come back.

    You’ve done well with this blog.

    1. G’day Kurt.

      Thanks for the comments. It’s fun writing about stuff that I love doing 🙂

      There’s a big wire gate in front of the tunnel. How did you get past that? Maybe it wasn’t there when you went through?


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