Beerburrum East State Forest

Open Space
I made a spur-of-the moment decision to try the Beerburrum East State Forest today. I rode it about six months ago and really enjoyed the long flat dirt roads which let me zone out and just concentrate on the ride.
Logging Road
The forest is full of these roads, and at this time of year they’re perfect to get a few kilometres under the belt.
Elimbah Creek
Elimbah Creek cuts through the forest and is a nice place to stop for a quick breather. I came upon a few motor cyclists and be both were effusive about how incredible the place was, and what a beautiful day it was. Even if you’re into different things, it was great to meet someone enjoying what they were doing as much as I was enjoying what I was doing.
Mother Beerwah
As you get further north, the Glasshouse Moutains impose themselves on most views. Here’s Beerwah, the legendary mother of the family watching over me today. She’s still pregnant, but mountains take a long time to give birth 🙂
Father Tibrogargan
…and Father Tibrogargan, still brooding, watching grumpily out to sea. He still hasn’t forgiven Coonowrin. Apparently some mountains take a long time to forgive.

Pine Forest
All-in-all a perfect day. Next time I’d like to bring a few friends along and take it slower.

This time I was 2 mins slower than last time, but I didn’t have a major break this time, and still managed to average 21.5km/h over 60km, so I’m happy 🙂

Total distance: 60.53 km
Total climbing: 412 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 03:14:42
Download file: activity_85677627.gpx
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