Camp Mountain

Although I’ve ridden some of the trails around Camp Mountain before, this is the first time I’ve ridden to the summit.

I took the long gruelling climb to the top via the “long track”, followed by a fast bone-jarring ride back down along the “short track”. If you speak to anyone who’s ridden up Camp Mountain, and you tell them you’ve ridden up it, the first thing they’ll probably ask you is “Did you go up the long track or the short track?”. The long track is “easier”, because you take longer to reach the top, so it’s not as steep. Even so, it’s a tough climb and I had to walk a short bit that was steep and washed out from recent rain.

The short track is really steep. I had to be really careful riding down it. I think anyone who has ridden UP it must be incredibly fit. (You know who you are :))

Brisbane CBD from Camp Mountain
There are some spectacular views from the lookout on Camp Mountain, including this greate view of the city.

I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself after completing the gruelling climb to the summit.

Blue Poles
These tall, straight, blue gums look like something out of a Jackson Pollock painting.

Total distance: 56.54 km
Total climbing: 1186 m
Average temperature: NAN
Total time: 04:45:57
Download file: activity_75289535.gpx
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